Music is an important daily part of our curriculum. Our music program reinforces our monthly themes as well as teaching the children important developmental skills such as singing songs, clapping hands, and moving to different rhythms. Music time helps develop attentive listening and the development of large and small motor skills. It also helps children to express their feelings creating a sense of self.
Arts & Crafts
Art is an important part of our program and is offered on a daily basis. Our art teacher presents the month’s theme oriented projects to the children using a wide range of materials.

With individualized instruction, children are able to work on computers using a variety of educational software. The computer programs include all areas of the curriculum as well as the fundamental concepts of computer programming.
The Boehm Basic Concepts
The Boehm Basic Concepts is a “Concept Understanding Program” (C.U.P.), which was developed by speech and language pathologists. This program focuses on the vocabulary of directions.

Cooking & Baking
Periodically throughout each month, the children participate in a food project. This ranges from making pizza to baking breads or cookies. Proper hygiene is reinforced and lessons in measuring, sizing, number quantities, fractions and estimating are integrated in the learning experience.
Serendipity Preschool’s curriculum is organized into monthly theme based units. These units incorporate music, creative arts, science, history, social skills, literature, culinary arts, language, motor skills and mathematics.
An Instructional Manipulative Series
The A.I.M.S. program includes kits in Pre-Reading, Consonants, Vowels, Comprehension and Math. The materials in each AIMS Kit consists of Learning Folders and Manipulative Cards, which are utilized in an informal learning situation that are essential to success in reading and mathematics.
Children make monthly entries in their journals focusing on the themes or special events of the month. All entries are compiled in the child’s personal folder and are sent home at the end of the student’s enrollment.
Macmillian’s Whole Language Big Book Program
The pre-kindergarten class participates one week per month in our Big Book Program. The program’s main objective is to encourage the love of books and reading.
“The Living Institute Of Social Skills”
The Living Institute of Social Skills “Let’s Talk About” series consists of a series of picture books and CD’s. The main goal of the program is to educate young children about their emotions as well as the emotionally charged situations they may encounter with their peers.